501c3 Nonprofit EIN#81-4351776

Solos, Duets and Trios
Our Solo/Duet/Trio Dance Policy outlines guidelines and expectations for dancers performing routines outside of their enrolled class load. This policy applies to all solo, duet, trio, or special small group dancers enrolled in our studio.
1. Eligibility and Enrollment:
1.1. Dancers must be current students of The Studio.
1.2. Dancers must have appropriate dance experience and skill level, as determined by the instructors, to participate in performances.
1.3. Dancers must attend all regularly scheduled, enrolled classes.
1.4. Family account with the studio must be in good standing
1.5. Students must have completed a minimum of 3 years of tap and ballet, not including toddler classes, in order to perform their solo/duet/trio at a studio event.
1.6. Students must be enrolled in the class of the genre they are performing a solo, duet, trio, or small group. (Example: someone doing a jazz solo must be enrolled in jazz classes.)
2. Dance Selection:
2.1. Dance selections should be made in consultation with our instructors to ensure they align with the dancer's abilities and artistic development.
2.2. The Studio may limit the number of solo, duet, trio, or special small group performances in a given dance season based on availability and scheduling constraints.
3. Costume and Music:
3.1. Costumes being ordered through the studio MUST be submitted to the Costume Committee binder no later than 8 weeks prior to performance date otherwise the studio cannot guarantee receipt by performance.
3.2 Students are to pick a minimum of three (3) costumes - one first choice and 2 alternates.
3.3. Music choices must be approved by your choreographer and provided to The Studio’s Operations Committee to ensure they are suitable for the audience and age group.
3.4. Music selections must be cut and turned into The Studio Operations committee no later than 6 weeks prior to a performance.
4. Rehearsal and Instruction:
4.1. Dancers are required to attend all scheduled rehearsals and lessons.
4.2. Studio time to rehearse is first come, first serve via a posted schedule.
4.3. Studio class rehearsals and makeup classes will take priority over solo/duet/trio/small group rehearsals.
5. Behavior and Conduct:
5.1. Dancers are expected to demonstrate professionalism, respect, and good sportsmanship at all times.
5.2. Bullying, harassment, disrespectful behavior or any other violation of the studio handbook will not be tolerated and may result in loss of performance privileges.
6. Costume and Music Fees:
6.1. Dancers are responsible for any additional costume, facility use or music fees associated with their performances.
6.2. Costume invoice must be paid prior to ordering if purchasing through The Studio.
7. Policy Compliance:
7.1. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in a dancer's studio privileges being suspended or revoked.
By enrolling at The Studio of Dance and Arts, dancers and their parents or guardians agree to abide by this policy and any associated guidelines. We are committed to fostering a supportive and creative dance environment for all our students.