501c3 Nonprofit EIN#81-4351776

Student Conduct, discipline, and information
Anyone not following the Student Conduct guidelines, the bullying policy, or the behavior and discipline policy will be instructed to sit out and wait for their parent/guardian. If the behavior continues, The Studio of Dance & Arts will place the offending student on a Performance Improvement Plan; failure to adhere to this Plan may lead to expulsion/termination of student status. The Studio reserves the right to issue consequences as it sees fit, especially if there is a severe discipline problem, a recurring issue, or a serious offense.
STUDENT CONDUCT: Treat instructors, assistants, student teachers and other students with respect. Disrespect and/or poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated.
There is NO TALKING in class. Students must raise their hand and be called on.
No gum, candy, or food allowed outside the waiting room.
No cell phones or devices inside the studio area unless it is approved by the instructor, and is only allowed to record choreography/play music.
Please remove street shoes in the foyer and carry them to your locker, place on the shelves in the foyer, or place in your dance bag.
Please make sure dancers pick up after themselves at the end of their class time.
No loitering in the bathrooms and absolutely no running in the hallway.
​BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE POLICY: Behavior that The Studio deems inappropriate will not be tolerated. Instances in which a student is not adhering to the Code of Conduct will result in an incident report to be kept in the student's file. Incident report sheets are available in each classroom. Incidents can be reported and documented by instructors, student instructors, parent reps, and board members. Each incident will be accompanied by a form; the parent must return the signed form on the child's next day of dance.
First offense - Verbal warning to the student. May be asked to leave class. Incident report filed and sent home.
Second offense - Meeting with the student, parent, board member and an instructor if necessary.
Third offense - Two week suspension from all classes. If the suspension falls within 2 weeks of a competition the student loses the privilege to compete and no refunds will be issued.
BULLYING POLICY: The Studio wishes to provide a safe, inclusive environment that foster's an individual's creativity and love for the dance arts. We do not tolerate bullying of any kind, whether it be verbal, written, or physical. Because bullying often goes unreported due to the concern of retaliation, if you are uncomfortable coming forward regarding an incident, you may report anonymously. We ask that you please write down the details of the incident including the date, the class, who was bullying, and a brief description of the incident and place it in the payment box. Otherwise you are welcome to report any witnessed incidents of bullying to the instructor or a board member. Particularly egregious offenses may result in immediate termination from our program.
DISMISSAL POLICY: The Studio reserves the right to dismiss a student for reasons including but not limited to:
Non-payment or excessive late payment fees
Not observing the rules of The Studio
Physical or verbal abuse, either by a student or parent, toward another student or parent, a teacher, a board member, a committee member, or a student teacher.
STUDIO ETIQUETTE: Students, parents, and visitors are expected to clean up after themselves and their children. This includes the hallway, waiting room, and bathroom and applies to all studio events including but not limited to recitals, competitions, and parties. Lockers are to be kept clean with no open food left in them.
LOCKERS: Please be considerate of other dancers when using your child’s locker. Lockers on the bottom row have been reserved for smaller students.
Absolutely no banging of lockers!
Once class is dismissed, students will have 10 minutes to get in and out of their lockers.
If classes are in session, please keep opening and closing of lockers to a minimum.
No stickers will be placed on the outside of the lockers
A lock may be purchased for your student’s locker at your own expense.
Lockers are to be cleaned out and emptied no later than two weeks following recital or their last class. Failure to adhere to this results in any items left in lockers to become the property of The Studio.
MEDICAL INFORMATION/MEDICATIONS: Please provide a summary of your child’s medical condition(s), along with any medication(s) your child is currently taking. The board will advise your child’s instructor(s) of the condition(s) and inform them of any medication(s). Please be as detailed as possible and inform The Studio of any changes in medication. The information you provide to The Studio is strictly confidential and used solely for your child’s safety.
STUDENT DEPARTURE: Students must wait INSIDE the building for someone to pick them up. PLEASE make your children comply with this rule, as it is for THEIR SAFETY. Please be there promptly to pick your child up (no later than 15 minutes after their scheduled class is dismissed). Once the next scheduled class begins, there will not be supervision for your child.
EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Please ensure you have accurate emergency contact information in your Jackrabbit portal. It is your responsibility to make sure information is up to date.