501c3 Nonprofit EIN#81-4351776

Pickup/Dropoff Policy
The Studio of Dance and Arts is not a daycare or babysitting service. When one class ends, another starts; teachers and staff are not responsible for watching students once class has dismissed. The Studio assumes no responsibility for children on the premises before, after, or between their specified class times. Parents and guardians are responsible for arranging proper supervision of their children.
Timely Arrivals: Ensure that your child arrives at the studio on time and is ready to begin class promptly. Late arrivals can disrupt the class and cause your child to miss important warm-up exercises.
Early Dropoff/Late Pickup: If caregivers are late picking up their dancers once classes have concluded, they will be charged a fee. Beginning 15 minutes after class or rehearsal, there will be a $15 charge per half hour until your child is picked up. This charge will be recorded by the instructor or board member and added to your account. Please call ahead if you anticipate being late for pickup.
Age Concerns: If you are dropping your child off, please make sure they have safely entered the building before you leave. Please do not leave young children or siblings at the studio unattended. If your student is 10 years old or younger, they must be brought to the stairs outside the building and picked up in the same area by a parent/guardian.