501c3 Nonprofit EIN#81-4351776

Class Policies
Our class and extra dance policies are outlined here. Please keep in mind that failure to abide by the studio policies is grounds for studio dismissal. This includes failing to follow the policies outlined in the extra routines section.
CLASS OBSERVATION: Parents and visitors wishing to watch classes will be asked to make prior arrangements with the instructors. The classrooms are not equipped with a viewing window.
Placement is derived from many years of teaching experience, is highly individual, and factors that go into each decision is complex. Placement decisions are considered final.
All dancers and tumblers must display excellent behavior and listening skills in class and are expected to be role models for all dancers.
Dancers and tumblers must be able to accept positive criticism and take and apply corrections from all instructors. Listen to each correction given, whether it's directed at you or another dancer/tumbler. A correction is an honor, it shows how much a teacher or choreographer cares about your progress.
The minimum age for ballet, tumbling, and tap, is 3; musical theater and jazz is 5; contemporary and hip hop is 7; pre-pointe/pointe is 11. Those taking pre-pointe or pointe are required to take ballet classes as well. This is a studio-adopted policy centered on ensuring the health, well-being, and safety of our dancers.
EXTRA ROUTINES: Students may be permitted to perform solos, duos, trios etc. at their own expense.
Students eligible must have a minimum of 3 full years (not including toddler levels) of core class (tap and ballet) dance experience, and approval from the instructor.
Must make arrangements with their chosen instructor/choreographer in terms of payment and schedule.
Instructors are not obligated to choreograph the student’s routine.
Costume and music selections are at the discretion of the student, parent, and choreographer.
Music is to be submitted to the Operations Committee by February 10th or within 6 weeks of a performance (whichever comes first) to ensure it is ready.
Students must be enrolled in the class genre in which they wish to perform a solo, duo, trio etc.
The Studio Board reserves the right to limit extra routines in a given season.
Tap and Ballet are required for all students for at least three full seasons and until the child enters 4th grade.
Contemporary, Jazz, Musical Theater, and Hip Hop instructors may require students to be enrolled in tap or ballet as a pre-requisite to their class at their discretion.
Students enrolled in pointe must also be enrolled in a standard ballet class.
FACILITY USAGE: Under some circumstances, students are permitted to use the studio classrooms outside of regularly scheduled classes.
You need to reserve a time through the Operations Committee to help ensure there are no scheduling conflicts.
You are responsible for cleaning up the space when you’re done, such as sweeping the floor and wiping down mirrors if they got dirty.
Students MUST be supervised by an adult unless prior arrangements are made with the Operations Committee.
Students are not permitted to use the tumbling space without the approval of the tumbling instructor.
Please immediately notify a board member or the Operations Committee of any issues, maintenance requests, or concerns.
There will be a facility use fee of $5 per hour assessed to those instructors/students who are not contracted instructors with the studio for the current dance season, or for workshops held outside of studio control (ie: when an instructor wants to hold a separate workshop or unregistered class).
ADD/DROP CLASSES: The Studio maintains a strict policy regarding enrollment.
Tuition is never prorated
Adding or dropping a class must be done so in writing by the 20th of the month PRIOR to when you want the change to take place.
There will be no class drops approved (minus extenuating circumstances) after February 1st.
Students absent more than three (3) classes in one month without notifying the instructor will be automatically dropped from the class. Tuition up to that point is still the responsibility of the parent.
WAITLISTS: At times it may be necessary to establish a waiting list for certain classes.
Waitlisted children will be placed in the order of the waitlist.
If a spot opens you will be contacted by email and/or BAND app and will have 48 hours to respond. In the event you do not respond you will be placed back at the top of the waiting list and the next person will be contacted.