501c3 Nonprofit EIN#81-4351776

Communication Policies
Welcome to our studio communication policies! Here, you'll find all the you need to know about how we communicate with our families and team members. We believe that clear and effective communication is key to a successful season, and we strive to maintain clear communication throughout the year.
COMMUNICATION: Email and the BAND app are the major forms of communication. It is imperative that we have your current email address and phone number. If any changes occur to your contact information during the year, please notify us of the changes immediately. If you do not have email or are having problems with your computer, it is your responsibility to check with the studio/parent rep for updated information. An information board is located in the hallway outside of the waiting room.
Studio email: Thestudiohavre@gmail.com
Website: www.studioofdanceandartsmt.com
BAND APP: https://band.us/@sdahavre
Jackrabbit Studio App: Studio of Dance and Arts on Google Play and Apple Store
​BAND APP: Please join our studio BAND app group. Here you will have individual message groups for all of your child's classes as well as a main wall where important information, volunteer opportunities and other communication will take place.
STUDIO APP: The Studio has an app where you can access your Parent Portal account. Some information will be posted here, but you can also view your child's schedule with this app as well as pay tuition and any other bills.
PARENT RESPONSIBILITY: It is your responsibility as the parent/guardian to ensure The Studio has updated billing and contact information. It is also your responsibility to ensure you belong to our communication apps and regularly check them. These apps are how we communicate and are an essential part of your child's success.
(Group communication/Message Board)